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From our backyard to yours.

It all started with a couple of tomato plants and a handful of herbs. Chickens were next, and blackbelly sheep after that! 


We've got big plans for our little farm, and we'd love for you to be a part of it. If you don't see what you're looking for, check back with us again later or follow us on Instagram so you can get updates on our growth!




Hi there! I'm Allison, a Registered Dietitian originally from the suburbs of Chicago. Although I have many fond memories of eating meals around the table with my family, I never had a strong sense of where my food came from until my husband Chase and I started a small garden. I instantly fell in love with having fresh food right in my backyard and knowing the amount of love and care that went into growing that food! It wasn't long after that we added chickens to provide fresh eggs. We've moved since then, but we now have the ability to grow a much bigger garden and raise many more animals!


Chase is a wonder and I honestly couldn't do any of this without him. He is the brains and muscle behind this operation and he most definitely has a green thumb (which I admittedly lack). Together we are constantly thinking of more ways to improve and expand our farm, so stick around a while and grow with us!

We love good food made from high quality ingredients.

There's just something special about fresh basil from your backyard, or eggs that are still warm from being laid that morning. We combine our love of food with our passion for farming to bring you, Blackbelly Fields.

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